We’ve gotten questions from fellow Noahides on a variety of topics. Below are very short videos in which we answered those questions based on Torah and the Noahide Laws. For complex questions that we ourselves aren’t sure of, we do ask rabbis to provide guidance and answers.

Q&A: Isn’t there One Law for everyone?
“How come Noahides follow a different law from Jews when Leviticus 24:22 tells us there is only one law? “We received this question in regards to Episode 3 of our Guide For The Noahide video study. Here’s a response from Andrew and Jacob. Thank you, Linda for such a great question!

Q&A: Can a Noahide wear tallit?
What is the halachah on whether a Noahide can wear a tallit since it is not part of our Seven Laws? We received this question in regards to Episode 4 of our “Guide For The Noahide” video study series. Here’s a response from Andrew and Jacob.